Two hundred thirty-two head of Herefords competed for champion honors at the Ft. Worth National Hereford Show in Texas Feb. 2. The horned show was dedicated to Loyd Whitehead, San Angelo, Texas, and Eva Hamman, Jacksboro, Texas, was the polled show honoree.
Judge Murray Andrews, Moose Jaw, Sask., selected C Reno 6142 ET to win the horned bull show. Colyer Herefords, Bruneau, Idaho, and Aaron Wilbourne, Tulare, Calif., exhibited the 2-year-old son of BR Moler ET. Following with reserve grand champion horned bull was Four L Odyssey 7059T by UPS Odyssey 1ET. The yearling bull is owned by Hart Hereford Farm, Jackson, Tenn., and Four L Hereford Farm, Atwood, Tenn. [READ FULL ARTICE]